So lets see...what is happening in the not so exciting life and times of the Oxenrider family...ahhh...Von's birthday is Thursday! The big 3-5!! Whoa, how did go from 23 to 35???? Yikes. Oh well, can't stop time. So my etsy shop has been going slow, but it has been going. I've sold THREE things...I get so excited when I make a sale you'd think I was winning the lottery! Fun stuff! My amazing friend Michelle Burry is going to be starting a shop soon and I can't WAIT to see what she puts up...this probably means I'm going to go broke because her shizzle will be so cute!
So Kien was drawing pictures today of his family and I decided to take a shower. While I was in there he came running back and said, "mommy, you wanna tatoo?" I said "no thanks Kien...I'm kinda in the shower right now"...thinking he must have found one of those ones you apply with water. WRONG! I peeked my head out of the shower and he had given himself MANY "tatoos" up and down his arm...his hand...his leg...his tummy..."NICE" I thought to myself. Note to self...don't let Kien play with pens while I'm in the shower...and don't direct him on a path of tatooing...not such an artist yet.
Another a good story...we went to target and of course the first thing Ethan says is..."can I get a toy?" "no ethan...we are not buying toys today" "can we look at them?" he says..."sure" I say. So in the toy section of Target he brings this toy up to me..."mom...if I get this toy it will be the only toy ever that I will get. I won't want another toy from here EVER..." *yeah...riiight* Can't blame a kid for trying!
Oh...some exciting news! my mom is going to start crocheting my little flowers so I don't have to keep buying them. AND...her's are soooo much cuter than ones I would mom rocks! She sent me a photo of them tonight and Von goes..."wow...those are tight"...what??? did my husband just say "tight" WTF??? That's like Fran's dad saying "that's tits Fran"...anyway...they are pretty sweet.
Well, i really should go to bed now...have a great day everyone...
Ahh, you're so sweet! We'll see what I can come up with... Btw, I *love* the new headers on your blog and shop. Oh, and the Kien story...priceless! ;)
I love your husband. He's my fave! Oh, and I did like your picture on your banner, but then I'm always happy whenever I can see you!! Tell Kien he can give me a tattoo when I come down next weekend! I want one on my lower back!! He can draw a mural.
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