First I want to thank all the girls that have sent in submissions for the midnight rooster DT call. I am in serious awe people! The layouts are A-MAZ-ING!! How are we ever going to pick! And your sweet words of inspiration and enthusiasm are blowing me away...I want you all...but unfortunately I can't have you all. :( The deadline for submissions is March 30th with our new DT being announced on April's going to be an exciting day!!!!
I went scrapping last weekend and have some layouts I wanted to share...but my photos SUCKED so I will be re-taking them tomorrow and sharing them at a later post. I had such a great time catching up with friends that I haven't seen in such a long time...the weekend always goes too fast. My momma and sis joined us and I just hate it when they leave...we should not have to live so far from each other. Blah.
So I know you are just baring through my boring details WAITING for some new kit news or I will not keep you waiting any longer! Check out these boxes in Janelle's basement!!!! One of the boxes is full of nothing but THICKERS...THICKERS people, are the second love of my life and I want to crawl into that box and dream of wonderful titles to use all those sweet, sweet letters on!
Can you guess what we might do with all of this yumminess??????? ;)
And check out these little lovelies...they are screaming to get out of the box and into your kits. I told them not much longer. They were glad.
Our first kit has me on my knees, drooling like a starved scrapbooker that has never seen paper before. You will love it, I promise! I would love to show you a peek, but I think Janelle would take my camera away if I did that...and I love my camera. So wait you must until our website is up and showing its magical self to you all! Soon I hope!! I can't wait! :)
So that's it for me tonight Craig Ferguson for this girl! Ethan has a field trip to see Charlotte's Web tomorrow...and this night owl has to be up at the crack grass of dawn to go with him! I love his class and I can't think of a better way to spend my day than with this boy and his friends!
peace~love~and boys named Ethan
Love the little teaser! Those boxes are HUGE, I had no idea! How exciting to get all those huge boxes just full of scrapping goodies. Wow. It's like heaven...just full of boxes instead of clouds. Cute pic of your son - my DD's bottom tooth is loose in the same place. She's only 5 - I'm not ready!
My E is SEVEN and just now loosing his first tooth! :)
And yes...the boxes ARE like heaven! I am thanking God everyday for these fun gifts, and the path we are on!
Wow, you must be so excited to see all the goodies rolling in, I'm so excited to see the first kit!
Good luck with the DT call, I'm sure it is going to be a hard decision.
Hope your son enjoys Charlotte's Web - it's one of my fav stories.
Karen xxx
Oooh, I love those fabrics! Can't wait to see what you're going to do with those (but I have a few ideas!). :)
Two of my favorite things-thickers and fabric!!! Have fun on the field trip!
Oh, yummy! I can't wait to see more of the scrappy delishisness you have for us! These kits are going to be amazing!!
I'm so flippin' excited! :D
holy moly! An entire box of THICKERS? **wiping drool from keyboard**
I can not imagine having such large boxes of scrapbooking heaven in my basement. I think I would have to move my bed down there and just inhale all of the paper goodness.
Love the little peeks.... looks yummy! I'm so excited to see your first kit.
luv your blog Tobi...don't stop. I can hardly wait to see the first kit!
love them!!!
Are you makinf flowers with those pretty fabrics????
Oh man the teaser is lovely! I can't wait to see the full kit. This is DEFINITELY my style!
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