Here's how:
Sketches: Every other week one of our uber-fabulous DT girls will do a layout based on a sketch she has chosen and challenge YOU to do a layout of that sketch as well. You will have a week to post your layout in our flickr gallery, from which she will choose her favorite...and award you with much goodness. :)
Product/Project Challenges: Every other week (alternating with the sketches) a DT member will come up with and host a challenge. Post your projects in the flickr group the same as you would your sketches and she will choose her favorite...awarding you with some scrap love.
Reveal Night Giveaway: Each month on the eve of the full moon a DT girl will turn one of you into a vampire and send you off to Forks, WA to live with the Cullins...ha!! YOU WISH!! REEEEaly what will happen is...starting in June, on the eve of the reveal each DT member will post a question on their blog. Post an answer to that question and you will be entered into a drawing for an exclusive Midnight Rooster mini kit. These kits will be different each month, with only EIGHT available each be sure NOT to miss these!
Sound good? Awesome! Sorry to tease you about the vampire thing...I couldn't resist!
So who wants to know the winner of our LAST stamp??? So sorry to keep you all waiting!!! My attempt at a drum roll is pathetic so I won't even try.
Again I had to beg my dear, sweet, sweaty bowl of hotness to draw a name for me...
Aubree!!! Please send your full name and address to and I will get your rooster stamp on his way to you!
Short and sweet today friends! It's a beautiful day and I want to go enjoy some time with my family...if they remember who I am...hmmm.
Speaking of family...this little man graduated pre-school last week...
He is officially a Kindergartner now...I will have not one baby left in my house next year as they all trample off to the big yellow cheese wagon...ehh...don't let me kid you...I can't WAIT!!!! :)
peace, love, and sparkly boys! :)
Yippe! Imagine my surprise when I logged on to my computer after essentially a 4 day hiatus to find I had won! I am so to send my info. Thank you!!
I wanted to tell you, I received my stamp I won and it is super cute! Thank you!
So much stuff I am looking forward too! :) Can't wait!
As your little sister it is my duty (hee hee...i said "duty"...) to note that you apparently haven't read Twilight in a LONG time...otherwise you would have spelled it CULLEN!!!!
Anyways, hope things are going great! Everything is looking gorgeous so far! Give the kiddos big hugs and kisses from me, and hopefully I'll see you soon!!! LOVE YOU!!!
Everything sounds so exciting as always!!! Looking foward to all the things you have planned for us fans out here!
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