I have to apologize about my blog posts. I know when I say I'm going to post sneak peeks on Sunday's that the peeks come more like EARLY Monday mornin'! But you see, in my off kilter, vampire world...it's really just early evening for me and I'm just gearing up for the night! Those of you fellow night owls get to see the pretty pictures on Sunday night, whilest you normal sleeping, functioning, bright eyed humans probably won't see them till Monday. So sorry!!! But Happy Monday! :)
Ok...so on to more important things! YAY! Check out this FABULOUS sneak photo! My amazing friend Jeri Hoag happens to be a phenominal photographer and has so graciously agreed to take our kit photos every month. Isn't this just yummy???
I will be doing a post later this week of some beautiful family shots she did last fall. I love her, and Jeri...thank you so much again for doing this. Not only have you made my family shine on our walls, but now you are making our kits shine for everyone to see. You are truly an amazing friend.
In some other news...because eventually this blog will go back to being my boring 'ol life blog...my beautiful baby girl had her first Magic soccer game today! We traveled to Ft. Wayne and it was so great to see her play! I missed so many of her games last year when I was working at my LSS, and it was great to be with my family on this day. She rocked the field I must say...in the first five minutes she assisted one goal and scored another!!!!! I was such a happy and proud momma to see her score a goal!! Here is Em after she scored...
and some other awesome shots of her playin' her butt-oxen off!
I am so blessed.
peace*love*and family
Go, Em! Glad you had a great day with the fam! Really looking forward to this weekend - but have TONS to do before then, as usual. :)
Yep, I am one of those night owls for sure. It is the only time for just me and it is so hard to give up.
Yummy sneak as usual along with your Em. Oh how I miss being physical like that....
Thank you so much for the sweet comments, Tobi! I look forward to seeing your awesome kits every month.
Yay, Emily! Looks like she was playing hard. :)
GO EMMA!!!! SO proud of her! I miss you guys all so much - I'm so excited for this weekend!
And, every sneak peak of your kit makes me even more excited for May!!! Only a few short weeks! You ready?! :-)
I didn't know your daughter was also an "Em"! It's a pretty fantastic name. ;)
I can't WAIT to get my kit!!! I am like jumping and dancing around just thinking about it!!!
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