I am on the search for a web designer...not just your average joe, corporate, template designing web designer. Hats off to all that do that job and I mean NO harm or disrespect by any means...but we need something more artistic and unique. I was frustrated one night and decided I was done...I was in the mood for some mindless eye candy that made my heart go pitter pat pat. this amazing chick will make you curl your toes in excitment. so i'm scrolling along and come across this...

...oh my. the web site angels were singing in my head and i instantly wanted to grow old in that beautifuly sketched little town of 5 buildings. i want this...well, not THIS one...but you know what i mean. i went here , ebsi websites and liked what i saw. emailed shawn, talked to him the next day for 45 min, we became best friends and i instantly wanted him to design my webpage. he's pricey. that sucks. he's worth it though...my WORD his team can create some wicked cool stuff. i'm really trying not to want it so bad. history shows i am a mean little scrapper when i don't get my way. there...it is written...if i don't get this i warned you all! :)
I'll keep you posted...pray for the people that dare tell me no on this.
P.S...why am i still up at this rediculous time of the night. kien has a field trip tomorrow morning...good thing i keep that happy mommy outfit hanging in the closet.
peace*love*and a walmart budget
Yeah, website work is pricey but soooo worth it if it's done right and you LOVE it!
So adorable reminds me of a chalk boy cartoon name Simon that I used to watch when I was a kid.
It reminds me of that too, and the poem book Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein ( I loved that book growin up!)
**tapping fingers anxiously**
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