So some really fun and great things have been happening at the Oxenrider homestead...for starters Von only has TWO more weeks left of basketball. Don't get me wrong, i think it's totally rad and pretty hot that my husband coaches basketball...but i miss this totally rad and hot man. The last month has been CRAAAAA-ZY! and frankly i'm tired of being a single mom! Another geeeee-rate thing is that my beautiful bff has found a VERY nice guy...and they hang out A LOT. even though i miss her terribly i would give my top canines (even though i hope to use them as a vampire someday) to see her married off and all happy in love!! my heart is singing for her, she deserves this more than anyone knows. aaaaaaand...the best news yet??? THE COLTS ARE HEADING TO THE SUPERBOWL BABY!!! will be watching it with our wonderful Colts Fan Friends! weeee, i can't wait!
on to other family news...
I am soooo proud of this boy. he has been sucking his thumb since he ripped himself from my womb! it was adorable when he was a baby...cute as a toddler...embarrassing when his teeth began to be jacked up, and ridiculous when he was still doing it a SEVEN! so we decided no more...we talked about it, encouraged him, got him ready for the big day. but when the big day arrived it s-u-c-k-e-d!!! i wanted to cave, my heart was breaking for him, because you see, in order for him to stop sucking his thumb...we had to take his blanket away. HIS BLANKET!!! his source of comfort, the thing he used to take him to his happy place, me, his mother, ripped it from his sweet little hands. so the first night he cried a bit and crawled up behind me on the couch. he tucked his little hand into the couch and fell asleep behind me...sweet little angel. The next night we took him to build-a-bear and stuffed a wolf with the remnants of his old blanket so that it would always "be" with him. he liked that idea and did ok that night as well...but the next night....WOWZA! not so great. he cried for at least 2 hours...and broke my heart, and frustrated me, and made want to rip that damn blanket from the inside of that wolf and give it back to him! but we didn't, we held strong and so did he. I am happy to report that he is doing PHENOMENAL!!!
Oh...we also chopped all his beautiful hair off...he is sooooo handsome!
that's all the blogging i got in me for today...i do have other children and i'll write about them too some other time i suppose...the ARE pretty cute...yeah, i'll write about them.
For now,
Peace, Love and bubblegum (cuz i'm chewing some right now)
Awesome blog and your pictures is GORGEOUS! Miss seeing you at the PIT....hooray for your son! So glad he (and you) broke the habit!
Yes, please take care of those beautiful upper canines!! You went through enough torture making them so pretty!!
I recently found your blog when you posted on 2Peas. What a great blog entry - I love the way you write and the pic of your son is so sweet! Congratulations to your son for job well done! :0)
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