Ok...so i have had this dream for a LONG time...but our financial situation never really allowed me to make it a reality. then i got like THEE coolest job in the world and i was happy and content and falling in love with owls and trees and october afternoon. then my world crashed and my dream job came to an end and the store closed it's doors. to our happy surprise it was bought by a lovely couple and yet i wasn't sure i wanted to work there...change is hard for me...and to say that the last few months of my job were emotionally draining would not due justice people. but i met the new owner, and the interview was wonderful and i got excited and decided i DID want to go back...i missed the product and all the crazies my heart fell in love with! but she hasn't called me back to work there. i was heartbroken and couldn't understand why, then i heard some horrible things have been floating around about me and i figured those nasty little lies made their way to the important people...and those people decided to believe the nasty stuff. not much i can do about that. i'm cool now. i know that God closes some doors in order for us to open new ones...even if we are a bit afraid. i trust this Man...He knows me...He loves me, and He has never steered me wrong. so i won't be working at the new Pages In Time Forever...and I consider it her loss.
my gain however will be a new dream...and a very special friend of mine, for some crazy reason that i haven't figured out yet want's to be a part of it. we are joining forces...and i am very lucky...she is extremely talented, fun and creative. we are going to do this, and we are going to make it great...and wow i'm scared to death!!! :) here's a hint...

any clues? :) i'll give more hints as time goes on...
peace, love, and stay tuned.
I can't wait to see what new adventure you have in store for us!
You know that I am there for you both. I know I'm your Mom and I have to be there for you. But this time you are going to hit a home run and I will be there to load the bases for you!! Love you forever you crazy wonderful woman!!
Awsome Tobi! I can't wait to read more.... Hopefully I will see you at the Spring Crop.... Best Wishes!
I am very intrigued by this and I will definitely be submitting my projects/application. This sounds like just the kind of company I would love to be associated with! I better get busy on my projects! Do we have an idea of a deadline yet? Thank you so much and... er.er.er.er (my attempt at a rooster crow) lol
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