peace, love and country music.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
hello kittens.
i've been such a bad blogger this summer. that all will change, i promise!!! i'm headin out to see kenny c. tomorrow with burry, so i must get to bed...but i am working on some ideas for my blog. i want to make it pretty-er with more links and photos...see you soon my lovey's.

peace, love and country music.
peace, love and country music.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Future Mrs. Arie Gold
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sometimes we need a sham-wow for our lives...
seriously...wouldn't it be great if we had a giant sham-wow to suck up the shit that life deals us sometimes? i would love to give it to a friend of mine right be able to say "here love, wrap yourself in this, it soaks up all the tears and the suck...wring it out and flush it down the toilet. life is good again." i don't forsee that happening so i guess all of girls will just have to be the sham-wow's in her life.
on a brighter note...had a FABULOUS weekend scrapping my ASS off!!! my sister came this time so it was the first time my mom, sister and i were all on a scrap weekend together! it was the best...i can't can't get enough time with them. i got sooo many layouts done, 25 to be exact. and one of those was a super rad one that totally made fun at my sweet, sick, cashed out friend Fran. sorry, gave her the layout so i can't post. it was good too. just make a mental note, don't fall asleep with a group of dirty minded chicks around! ;) Here's a few of my favorite layouts from the weekend...

This is one my favorite photos that jeri took...can you tell the ADD people in my family???!!! LOL.

this layout has a pretty funny story to it. about 6 months ago kien was done poopin and yelled "mom...i'm done!" ya know...this just isn't one of life's most glorius moments, wipen your childs i said to kien "YES!!! man that's awsome!! I LOVE wipen butts kien...and i am so glad i get to wipe yours!" of course i was being sarcastic, but he didn't know that and now when ever he is done pooping he yells "mom i'm done" and I yell "YES" and he says..."cuz you loooove wipen butts, right mom?"
and i say..."yes kien...i LOVE wipen butts!" more, only cuz it's taking too long to upload these. maybe i'll figure out how to get flicker working on my blog and i can just put em all there.

i went back in time a bit and did some catching up on kien's stuff...i think i fell in love with him all over again!!! LOOK at those big 'ol brown eyes! UHHHH!
that's it my friends...pretty boring stuff around here.
peace, love and sunshine!
on a brighter note...had a FABULOUS weekend scrapping my ASS off!!! my sister came this time so it was the first time my mom, sister and i were all on a scrap weekend together! it was the best...i can't can't get enough time with them. i got sooo many layouts done, 25 to be exact. and one of those was a super rad one that totally made fun at my sweet, sick, cashed out friend Fran. sorry, gave her the layout so i can't post. it was good too. just make a mental note, don't fall asleep with a group of dirty minded chicks around! ;) Here's a few of my favorite layouts from the weekend...

This is one my favorite photos that jeri took...can you tell the ADD people in my family???!!! LOL.

this layout has a pretty funny story to it. about 6 months ago kien was done poopin and yelled "mom...i'm done!" ya know...this just isn't one of life's most glorius moments, wipen your childs i said to kien "YES!!! man that's awsome!! I LOVE wipen butts kien...and i am so glad i get to wipe yours!" of course i was being sarcastic, but he didn't know that and now when ever he is done pooping he yells "mom i'm done" and I yell "YES" and he says..."cuz you loooove wipen butts, right mom?"
and i say..."yes kien...i LOVE wipen butts!" more, only cuz it's taking too long to upload these. maybe i'll figure out how to get flicker working on my blog and i can just put em all there.

i went back in time a bit and did some catching up on kien's stuff...i think i fell in love with him all over again!!! LOOK at those big 'ol brown eyes! UHHHH!
that's it my friends...pretty boring stuff around here.
peace, love and sunshine!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
God is great, beer is good, and people are CRAZY!
So yes, God is great...especially to me. I have no idea why because I certainly don't deserve it. He keeps trying to lead me away from things and for some reason I keep choosing the more dangerous and less deserving path. Someday I hope to figure out why He is so patient with me.
Easter was good. Went to ohio to do the regular oxenrider thing. kids had a blast finding their eggs and playing with the bubbles Kathy got for them. Thank goodness for aunts and grandparents that remember to get stuff for easter baskets because being the looser parents that we are WE didn't do ANY baskets for the kids! I got the shape of an L on my forehead. Easter wrapped up spring break week for us...which was pretty low key. The water park was the much fun!!! That place is GYNORMOUS!!!! So what totally sucked about it was that Jeri's kids all got sick. Seriously...felt so bad for her. Kegan passed out, Delanie threw up THREE times...Yuck! But in between feeling like crap and after being pumped with motrin (the kids wonder drug) they did get to play a LITTLE bit. I took NO photos!! Well, i took a few with my phone, but no others! I didn't want to be behind a camera all weekend or take the chance of getting my camera wet. But trust me, we had a fantastic time!!
Beer is good. I found some pics from michelle and my's st. patty's adventure. good times. maybe not for michelle...but it was for me!

And DAMN...people are crazy. period...Burry knows what I mean.
Here's some classes I'm teaching in may. i'm pretty happy with them. we'll see how it goes!

Update on the fam...
Von-Oh yeah...i remember how fun you are now that i see you one extra day a week!
Emma-no one messes with her brother!
Ethan-still loves that damn thumb...but becoming such a handsome boy.
Kien-way emotional and sensitive...uuhhgg! and i think he may be loosing his hearing?? i'm watching this one.
me- ...hmmm...still me. locking up all things emotionally unsafe.
Willo- pain in the ass...but cute as hell.
Check out my blog soon, jeri took some GREAT photos of the kids that I will hopefully be able to post soon.
peace, love and craziness
Easter was good. Went to ohio to do the regular oxenrider thing. kids had a blast finding their eggs and playing with the bubbles Kathy got for them. Thank goodness for aunts and grandparents that remember to get stuff for easter baskets because being the looser parents that we are WE didn't do ANY baskets for the kids! I got the shape of an L on my forehead. Easter wrapped up spring break week for us...which was pretty low key. The water park was the much fun!!! That place is GYNORMOUS!!!! So what totally sucked about it was that Jeri's kids all got sick. Seriously...felt so bad for her. Kegan passed out, Delanie threw up THREE times...Yuck! But in between feeling like crap and after being pumped with motrin (the kids wonder drug) they did get to play a LITTLE bit. I took NO photos!! Well, i took a few with my phone, but no others! I didn't want to be behind a camera all weekend or take the chance of getting my camera wet. But trust me, we had a fantastic time!!
Beer is good. I found some pics from michelle and my's st. patty's adventure. good times. maybe not for michelle...but it was for me!
And DAMN...people are crazy. period...Burry knows what I mean.
Here's some classes I'm teaching in may. i'm pretty happy with them. we'll see how it goes!
Update on the fam...
Von-Oh yeah...i remember how fun you are now that i see you one extra day a week!
Emma-no one messes with her brother!
Ethan-still loves that damn thumb...but becoming such a handsome boy.
Kien-way emotional and sensitive...uuhhgg! and i think he may be loosing his hearing?? i'm watching this one.
me- ...hmmm...still me. locking up all things emotionally unsafe.
Willo- pain in the ass...but cute as hell.
Check out my blog soon, jeri took some GREAT photos of the kids that I will hopefully be able to post soon.
peace, love and craziness
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Green tears.... :(

Spartans Fall to Tar Heels in NCAA Title Game
Goran Suton led the Spartans with 17 points, and Kalin Lucas had 14. sad. But seriously...who did these kids think they were coming to play?? Did they really think they could shoot the ball half ass and give damn rebound?? N.C. is fantastic...but should have been a much better game. Like Tom Izzo said..."they got us before, but this time we will be more prepared and they won't beat us like that again." I love you a father, but WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??? i need some time people...let me grieve.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Movin on...

(so my friend Jeri has some mad photography skills...go check her out at it's time to get the "g.d. cougar" off of everyone elses blog titles!!! Sorry guys! Not much to write life life...yadda yadda yadda. Here's a quick update on everyone:
Von: Who's that?? oh yeah...that guy i see sometimes that keeps me warm at night.
Emma: Less dramatic...more smiles...better lips! GREAT sharer, loving sister.
Ethan: Sucking his thumb like crazy, still cuddly, no bed peeing...loves to read
Kien: super chatty, loves his excited about the water park, doesn't want to kiss me anymore..."only hug mom". Loving school...and Avery??? hmmm.
Me....ha. wondering if a shiny red sports car could take the place of other things...
Willo: damn teenager. likes to bite and chew...tormenting the cats...LOL.
Rufie: still a great cat
Caymen: still the red headed step-child of cats.
so there ya go. life in a nutshell.
i'm super excited to for sunday...we are taking the kids to kalahari waterpark in sandusky, OH. this place is so rad! it's huge and we are going to have a BLAST!
also...i am soooo stoked that my spartans are in the FINAL FOUR BABY!!! HELL yea!!!
so i'm down 18lbs. i should feel like a rockstar...and i am glad, don't get me wrong. but in my mind i should size 8, and i'm not. it is nice to have people notice...but then i just think, man was i so fat that people are noticing??? such a vicious thing weight is. and i am so not into the treadmill right now. could be my hormonal week, i don't know...but it sucks. i. must. keep. it. going. :)
oh, i found this "fill in thingy" on a blog i i'll leave you with these answers!! Happy humpday! by the answers are in italic. :)
1. In a hole in the ground, there was a magic box that if found, would give you all the happiness in the world...if only i could find that damn box!
2. I don't drive an expensive new car, but that ain't no matter."
3. "After dark the rain began to fall again, and I was sooooo hoping for a great thunderstorm, one where the thunder shakes the whole house!"
4. "I've never heard of the hold of the Spanish galleon?" Where the heck was I when they talked about this in school?
5. "There was a hand in the darkness, so I grabbed onto it for dear life...and then I had a nice chat with my grandma and she told me she was good on the other side."
6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting...yeah...just like when your six years old and the accident is peeing the bed and your going to least expect it when your asleep right? Kidding...absolutely accidents ambush the unsuspecting...but great things happen when you least expect them I say, live life and embrace the good stuff and the accidents."
7. And as for the weekend...I will be working and playing. Not bad.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thunder only happens when it's rainin...
Hello sweet blog friends...
I am totally bored off my ass as I get ready to jot down a few quick notes before i head off to work.
so why does thunder only happen when it's raining??? I mean, I know WHY...but wouldn't it be wonderful it would thunder every morning as you were getting ready? That'd be so cool.
most of you know that Kien scalped willo...she looks totally stupid right now. I must remember to keep scissors hidden from that boy.
Went and saw he's just not that in to you last weekend for my mom's b-day. I have to say my favorite line from the movie is..."wow, your the best friend I've ever had". it was a cute flick.
my "diet" is going well. I've lost 14 lbs!! i know it's totally the treadmill that is doing it...that's cool. it's good for me to be exercising.
i have a class of 18 women this weekend...what the hell was I thinkin?? this ought to be interesting, fun, but interesting. ok...make that 19, the store called with one more sign up. game on.
well kids, i think that's it. here's some pics...
peace, love and butterflies.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Dude...i totally SUCK at blogging right now. i have had NO desire to update this thing, don't know why. Well...tonight i must update, i have so much to show, yippie!!
i first start out with the uber exciting news of our newest family member...she is soft, has four feet, floppy ears, sharp teeth and we LOVE her! willo is her name and she joined our family exactly one week ago. i found her on from a rescue place in Ohio. She has fit in so well...although potty training is going to be a long haul as is to be expected with little dogs. (she is a Pekingese/shi-tzu mix) Ready for some photos????

yes...she has one brown eye and one blue eye which freaks some people out, but i think it makes her unique! there is more going on in our lives than just puppy's just not as exciting! :) kids are great! report cards came home and ALL the kids are doing so well! Ethan continues to amaze us with his love for reading and emma's imagination has only gotten"imaginative" in her writing! Kien knows more letters and sounds than we thought and he loves sitting down and doing his homework with kids at night. good learning going on in our house people.
here's some simple quickies...
new years was awesome, spent with my very greatest friends...

of course von and andy topped the evening off by joining the polar bear club. leave it my drunk husband and his drunk bff to do something so was pretty funny though.
i have acquired a new friend at logans steakhouse that gives me free beverages when i pick up my dinner...that's kinda fun.
i have fallen in love with the cartoon Phineas and ferb. "hey Phineas...whatcha doin?"
i'm dieting...well...dieting for me. slimfast and the treadmill are my 2 best friends, except for when i'm pms-ing...then candy is my bff. i kinda like it though.
i'm teaching classes again at the store...not kit classes...just fun little classes that don't take so much time.
we got the kids a new game for the wii...animal crossing, city folk. i really like playing this game and can sit for hours at a time walking this strange little green haired shrek looking girl around to pick up apples and coconuts to sell...What the F*&%? oh well. i'm allowed to like it.
well, i'm think i'm done for tonight. this was fun, i'll have to do it again...peace out homies.
i first start out with the uber exciting news of our newest family member...she is soft, has four feet, floppy ears, sharp teeth and we LOVE her! willo is her name and she joined our family exactly one week ago. i found her on from a rescue place in Ohio. She has fit in so well...although potty training is going to be a long haul as is to be expected with little dogs. (she is a Pekingese/shi-tzu mix) Ready for some photos????
yes...she has one brown eye and one blue eye which freaks some people out, but i think it makes her unique! there is more going on in our lives than just puppy's just not as exciting! :) kids are great! report cards came home and ALL the kids are doing so well! Ethan continues to amaze us with his love for reading and emma's imagination has only gotten"imaginative" in her writing! Kien knows more letters and sounds than we thought and he loves sitting down and doing his homework with kids at night. good learning going on in our house people.
here's some simple quickies...
new years was awesome, spent with my very greatest friends...
of course von and andy topped the evening off by joining the polar bear club. leave it my drunk husband and his drunk bff to do something so was pretty funny though.
i have acquired a new friend at logans steakhouse that gives me free beverages when i pick up my dinner...that's kinda fun.
i have fallen in love with the cartoon Phineas and ferb. "hey Phineas...whatcha doin?"
i'm dieting...well...dieting for me. slimfast and the treadmill are my 2 best friends, except for when i'm pms-ing...then candy is my bff. i kinda like it though.
i'm teaching classes again at the store...not kit classes...just fun little classes that don't take so much time.
we got the kids a new game for the wii...animal crossing, city folk. i really like playing this game and can sit for hours at a time walking this strange little green haired shrek looking girl around to pick up apples and coconuts to sell...What the F*&%? oh well. i'm allowed to like it.
well, i'm think i'm done for tonight. this was fun, i'll have to do it again...peace out homies.
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