Hi Buddies! Not much to share tonight...just livin life. I have to plug my favorite new music right now. I'm totally loving that soft, acustic folkie sound and I'm listining to a few songs by Jason Mraz. While ipod-ing I also found this guy, Joshua Radin-love-love-LOVE him! I'm also lovin Mindy Smith again. She has a song that totally works for the beginning of New Moon, when Edward leaves...*sigh* Google it, it's called one moment more...and if you haven't read the books all I have to say is WHY THE H-E DOUBLE HOCKY STICKS not???? I don't have flicker, but I like to read the flair and I read the funniest one about Edward...and what's up with the Chuck Norris flair???? confusing...but totally hilarious. I'm also wishing I'd have seen season 4 of Grey's...cuz I would have loved to watch the season premier tonight...oh well.
Busy weekend ahead. Pages has a special crop this weekend for Breast Cancer. Friday will be late...Saturday will be late...Sunday is purse party day, my one for the month. pretty sad. From purse party in warsaw i get to drive to mishawaka for a DT meeting at the store! doesn't that sound like fun?? All the while my family will be in indy enjoying my sister-in-laws baby shower on Saturday and the always anticipated Tavernier Bowl on Sunday. such a pisser, I hate missing that stuff. And I hate being home by my self. I think i'm going to spend the night with my wonderful girl.
I'm entering my grumpy-pissy-ness. WTF???? this is so gay. i hate taking a pill to try to regulate my stupid girl stuff. stupid girl stuff...oh...by the way girls, speaking of girl stuff...don't forget to feel your boobies.
peace out.
Hey! I finally figured out that you were talking about blogger blog and not carepages blog. I don't blog on blogger anymore because I don't like it. So I'm back to carepages. Hopefully next year Tyse will have his own blog that I created using wordpress.
My Mom has all the Grey's Anatomy. Borrow them from her. Grey's was really good last night, but you didn't miss much from season 4. It sucked! My Mom and I want to come in on a Friday and scrap. We just need to find time.
Oh yeah, and ever since you mentioned Smores Poptarts on your blog, I have been eating a packet a day since then. HAHA! They are the best!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I too love Jason Mraz. Tyse loves his new song "I'm Yours". I turn it up every time we hear it on VH1 or the radio. Paulo Nutini is a good one. He is somewhat folk, and the old version of rock in roll back in the 70's.
Seriously - Justin Nozuka! LOVE his music, it's sort of folksy/bluesy...
Plus, cute picture...little annoyed at me for taking it? ;-) What are little sisters for?
Love you!
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