Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I don't know what happend! I had a much longer post and it all vanished except for the SIDEWAYS photos!!! Sorry everyone! It's too late to retype it all again, so I'll post more later!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
So the movie was A-MAZ-ING!!! Best kiss EVER!!!! It made the four inches of snow that we had on the car when we got out worth it. I'm sure there are those that will go and hate it...but if you go in knowing there is no way a movie can completely encompass a book you can't be disappointed. And I wasn't! Can't wait to see it again.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
playin around
So I've been playing around with some new images I've gotten from a very talented lady from etsy. I'm not sure that I *love* my new blog header...but until Jeri gives me some hints on what to do then this what I have for now. It's cute for my etsy shop but I'm not sure that I love it for my blog. I did get my drawing back from Alexis of a rooster that I had drawn and I'm thinking that maybe I'll do something with that...who knows.
So lets see...what is happening in the not so exciting life and times of the Oxenrider family...ahhh...Von's birthday is Thursday! The big 3-5!! Whoa, how did go from 23 to 35???? Yikes. Oh well, can't stop time. So my etsy shop has been going slow, but it has been going. I've sold THREE things...I get so excited when I make a sale you'd think I was winning the lottery! Fun stuff! My amazing friend Michelle Burry is going to be starting a shop soon and I can't WAIT to see what she puts up...this probably means I'm going to go broke because her shizzle will be so cute!
So Kien was drawing pictures today of his family and I decided to take a shower. While I was in there he came running back and said, "mommy, you wanna tatoo?" I said "no thanks Kien...I'm kinda in the shower right now"...thinking he must have found one of those ones you apply with water. WRONG! I peeked my head out of the shower and he had given himself MANY "tatoos" up and down his arm...his hand...his leg...his tummy..."NICE" I thought to myself. Note to self...don't let Kien play with pens while I'm in the shower...and don't direct him on a path of tatooing...not such an artist yet.
Another a good story...we went to target and of course the first thing Ethan says is..."can I get a toy?" "no ethan...we are not buying toys today" "can we look at them?" he says..."sure" I say. So in the toy section of Target he brings this toy up to me..."mom...if I get this toy it will be the only toy ever that I will get. I won't want another toy from here EVER..." *yeah...riiight* Can't blame a kid for trying!
Oh...some exciting news! my mom is going to start crocheting my little flowers so I don't have to keep buying them. AND...her's are soooo much cuter than ones I would mom rocks! She sent me a photo of them tonight and Von goes..."wow...those are tight"...what??? did my husband just say "tight" WTF??? That's like Fran's dad saying "that's tits Fran"...anyway...they are pretty sweet.

Well, i really should go to bed now...have a great day everyone...
So lets see...what is happening in the not so exciting life and times of the Oxenrider family...ahhh...Von's birthday is Thursday! The big 3-5!! Whoa, how did go from 23 to 35???? Yikes. Oh well, can't stop time. So my etsy shop has been going slow, but it has been going. I've sold THREE things...I get so excited when I make a sale you'd think I was winning the lottery! Fun stuff! My amazing friend Michelle Burry is going to be starting a shop soon and I can't WAIT to see what she puts up...this probably means I'm going to go broke because her shizzle will be so cute!
So Kien was drawing pictures today of his family and I decided to take a shower. While I was in there he came running back and said, "mommy, you wanna tatoo?" I said "no thanks Kien...I'm kinda in the shower right now"...thinking he must have found one of those ones you apply with water. WRONG! I peeked my head out of the shower and he had given himself MANY "tatoos" up and down his arm...his hand...his leg...his tummy..."NICE" I thought to myself. Note to self...don't let Kien play with pens while I'm in the shower...and don't direct him on a path of tatooing...not such an artist yet.
Another a good story...we went to target and of course the first thing Ethan says is..."can I get a toy?" "no ethan...we are not buying toys today" "can we look at them?" he says..."sure" I say. So in the toy section of Target he brings this toy up to me..."mom...if I get this toy it will be the only toy ever that I will get. I won't want another toy from here EVER..." *yeah...riiight* Can't blame a kid for trying!
Oh...some exciting news! my mom is going to start crocheting my little flowers so I don't have to keep buying them. AND...her's are soooo much cuter than ones I would mom rocks! She sent me a photo of them tonight and Von goes..."wow...those are tight"...what??? did my husband just say "tight" WTF??? That's like Fran's dad saying "that's tits Fran"...anyway...they are pretty sweet.
Well, i really should go to bed now...have a great day everyone...
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I don't even know how to express my excitement!!!! Our country has shown how ready we are for a real change. McCain ran a good race and I appreciate everything he stands for, especially his love of his country...but tonight Americans spoke loudly,
and I am proud to have been one of those voices! Wow, what an amazing night in history...and I got to be a part of it!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
7 days and counting!
I don't want this blog to become my political platform or a discussion forum for politics...but all I can say is God be with us on November 4th. I love my conservative friends...but please please please get your facts straight before you make a post about a candidate. Obama strongly opposes partial birth abortions...and he NEVER supported a ban to administer life support to babies born alive during an abortion. If you were watching the debate you saw and heard how he explained this disgusting accusation that he is basically a baby killer. He is a pro-choice candidate that believes that the abortion discussion is not one that the government should be a part of. He believes that this is a decision between a woman, her family and her God. He is a man that is needed to change this take us in a better and healthier direction. No matter who our next president is...I will always be a firm Obama supporter. How can you possibly support a man that wants to take our freedom of choice away? A freedom that God gave us? Who is a president to take the job of God...are we such a desperate nation that we want to put the responsibility of playing God in our next presidents hands? Hmmm...somehow I don't think God is looking for actors to play His part. He is hoping that we make faithful decisions ourselves without laws telling us to do so. Is a law against abortion going to make God happy...if that's the case then why don't we throw out the constitution and use the bible? Because we have a freedom as believers, if you are one, to make our own choices to follow God, not be forced puppets on a string. Oh...that felt good. Sometimes I just feel like we are a country with people trying to take us back to the conservative views of the 1950's. I'm just not a 50's kind of girl.
It's still October...don't forget to feel those boobies ladies!!!
It's still October...don't forget to feel those boobies ladies!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm Baaaaccck
So here I am...back to my cozy little blog world. This is gonna be a long post people...grab some joe!
So Janelle's crop was amazing as usual. Friday night was the equivalent to Opra's favorite things...she gave away such awesome gifts! And the food...seriously, it was so great! We had some great laughs on Saturday night as we drank Heidi Ho's. A heidi ho is a killer drink with vodka...and I don't like vodka...but this is like Kool-Aid girls! You mix BLUEBERRY vodka, cranberry juice and sprite...yum. The trip to the liquor store was the best part...have you ever tried to get booze after nine pm in Nappanee??? not an easy thing. We off roaded through parking lots, down side streets and through gas stations looking for THREE ingredients, all with a van full of giggle-ers. Good times. Can't wait till the next one.
The next weekend my family came back down for a fun photo opp done by none other than the fabuloso Jeri Hoag. This is a good one...hold tight. So we thought it would be great to go up to the Warren dunes, beautiful scenery right??? Well the road had been washed out so we had to walk a mile back to the beach...while toting a large upholstered orange chair, a wooden chair, petty skirt, snacks, puppies, camera equipment...shall I go on? OH...and let me throw in a bit of "girl" stuff here...I had just started my period and could have saved MANY lives people...multiple...if the cullens were around I could have fed their ENTIRE family! And we all know there are just bathrooms galore on the beach...not good. But what's one to do...go with the pun intended. So my kids were rotten, but hey...they wanted to play on the dunes and be kids. Despite the fact that Kien and Emma were totally NOT cooperating and we started to loose our light, we got some beautiful shots. I love the fact that our family was captured for who we were...not what we wanted to be for a photo. Jeri did amazing under pressure...not sure she wants to get into family photography anymore though! So walking back to the car a few hours later I realize that things in the, ah, nether region probably are not so fact I'm feeling a rather cool spot on my butt. can guess. Not pretty. Not fun, especially in brand new jeans. Like I've said before...stupid girl parts! Take a look at a photo though...

So the reason this photo is so great is that it captures the very essence of who my family is...see that Emma is having a typical girly moment...Kien isn't happy either...Von is blowing away a mosquito, I of course am paying attention...Ethan is so damn happy to have that stupid horse on his lap, my mom is having one of her ADD moments as she stares up at the trees looking for cloud shapes in the dad is wondering when this is going to be over and my sister is thinking how glad she is that she doesn't have any kids! I totally love it...a photo should make you happy about your family and smile because you know the funny story behind the frozen moment. Thank you Jeri. (Here's another great one...)

OK...on to the next weekend. Not so exciting. We had our special Birthday crop at the store...which lasted ALL night. From 8am Sat. morning until 6am Sunday morning. I did the 9pm till 6am was tons of fun. I took a 5 hour nap on Saturday and I was fine into the wee hours of the night. My partner in crime didn't fair so well, Anne was a bit tired as we headed into the home stretch...but she pushed through and we made it! I slept until about 2:30 the next afternoon until Emma's championship soccer game. It was a very close game and Emma's team was the more dominate team...but they lost... 1-0. But on a happy note, soccer is finally over and we can have our Saturdays back, YES!
so a few more things to plug...ELECTION DAY!!! Man I can't wait to get out there and vote! This momma is for Obama! It's exciting to be so passionate about this election and I am so excited and fired up!!! Even more exciting (on a different note of course) is the gap that is closing between me and seeing twilight. I have never wished for a movie so badly!! Uhh...yum! T-shirts or no t-shirts?? I'm thinkin there are enough of us going to the movie together that we should have tshirts...something to ponder upon...
So that's all for tonight. Don't check my spelling. I suck at spelling.
wicky wicky woo....goodnight to you!
So Janelle's crop was amazing as usual. Friday night was the equivalent to Opra's favorite things...she gave away such awesome gifts! And the food...seriously, it was so great! We had some great laughs on Saturday night as we drank Heidi Ho's. A heidi ho is a killer drink with vodka...and I don't like vodka...but this is like Kool-Aid girls! You mix BLUEBERRY vodka, cranberry juice and sprite...yum. The trip to the liquor store was the best part...have you ever tried to get booze after nine pm in Nappanee??? not an easy thing. We off roaded through parking lots, down side streets and through gas stations looking for THREE ingredients, all with a van full of giggle-ers. Good times. Can't wait till the next one.
The next weekend my family came back down for a fun photo opp done by none other than the fabuloso Jeri Hoag. This is a good one...hold tight. So we thought it would be great to go up to the Warren dunes, beautiful scenery right??? Well the road had been washed out so we had to walk a mile back to the beach...while toting a large upholstered orange chair, a wooden chair, petty skirt, snacks, puppies, camera equipment...shall I go on? OH...and let me throw in a bit of "girl" stuff here...I had just started my period and could have saved MANY lives people...multiple...if the cullens were around I could have fed their ENTIRE family! And we all know there are just bathrooms galore on the beach...not good. But what's one to do...go with the pun intended. So my kids were rotten, but hey...they wanted to play on the dunes and be kids. Despite the fact that Kien and Emma were totally NOT cooperating and we started to loose our light, we got some beautiful shots. I love the fact that our family was captured for who we were...not what we wanted to be for a photo. Jeri did amazing under pressure...not sure she wants to get into family photography anymore though! So walking back to the car a few hours later I realize that things in the, ah, nether region probably are not so fact I'm feeling a rather cool spot on my butt. can guess. Not pretty. Not fun, especially in brand new jeans. Like I've said before...stupid girl parts! Take a look at a photo though...
So the reason this photo is so great is that it captures the very essence of who my family is...see that Emma is having a typical girly moment...Kien isn't happy either...Von is blowing away a mosquito, I of course am paying attention...Ethan is so damn happy to have that stupid horse on his lap, my mom is having one of her ADD moments as she stares up at the trees looking for cloud shapes in the dad is wondering when this is going to be over and my sister is thinking how glad she is that she doesn't have any kids! I totally love it...a photo should make you happy about your family and smile because you know the funny story behind the frozen moment. Thank you Jeri. (Here's another great one...)
OK...on to the next weekend. Not so exciting. We had our special Birthday crop at the store...which lasted ALL night. From 8am Sat. morning until 6am Sunday morning. I did the 9pm till 6am was tons of fun. I took a 5 hour nap on Saturday and I was fine into the wee hours of the night. My partner in crime didn't fair so well, Anne was a bit tired as we headed into the home stretch...but she pushed through and we made it! I slept until about 2:30 the next afternoon until Emma's championship soccer game. It was a very close game and Emma's team was the more dominate team...but they lost... 1-0. But on a happy note, soccer is finally over and we can have our Saturdays back, YES!
so a few more things to plug...ELECTION DAY!!! Man I can't wait to get out there and vote! This momma is for Obama! It's exciting to be so passionate about this election and I am so excited and fired up!!! Even more exciting (on a different note of course) is the gap that is closing between me and seeing twilight. I have never wished for a movie so badly!! Uhh...yum! T-shirts or no t-shirts?? I'm thinkin there are enough of us going to the movie together that we should have tshirts...something to ponder upon...
So that's all for tonight. Don't check my spelling. I suck at spelling.
wicky wicky woo....goodnight to you!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
still grumpy...
still grumpy.
have photos to post...maybe tomorrow.
mad working woman this week.
crop with janelle was fantastic.
family photos this weekend...can't wait.
mom dad and ali comin...can't wait.
totally ready for a family weekend.
still grumpy.
have photos to post...maybe tomorrow.
mad working woman this week.
crop with janelle was fantastic.
family photos this weekend...can't wait.
mom dad and ali comin...can't wait.
totally ready for a family weekend.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hi Buddies! Not much to share tonight...just livin life. I have to plug my favorite new music right now. I'm totally loving that soft, acustic folkie sound and I'm listining to a few songs by Jason Mraz. While ipod-ing I also found this guy, Joshua Radin-love-love-LOVE him! I'm also lovin Mindy Smith again. She has a song that totally works for the beginning of New Moon, when Edward leaves...*sigh* Google it, it's called one moment more...and if you haven't read the books all I have to say is WHY THE H-E DOUBLE HOCKY STICKS not???? I don't have flicker, but I like to read the flair and I read the funniest one about Edward...and what's up with the Chuck Norris flair???? confusing...but totally hilarious. I'm also wishing I'd have seen season 4 of Grey's...cuz I would have loved to watch the season premier tonight...oh well.
Busy weekend ahead. Pages has a special crop this weekend for Breast Cancer. Friday will be late...Saturday will be late...Sunday is purse party day, my one for the month. pretty sad. From purse party in warsaw i get to drive to mishawaka for a DT meeting at the store! doesn't that sound like fun?? All the while my family will be in indy enjoying my sister-in-laws baby shower on Saturday and the always anticipated Tavernier Bowl on Sunday. such a pisser, I hate missing that stuff. And I hate being home by my self. I think i'm going to spend the night with my wonderful girl.
I'm entering my grumpy-pissy-ness. WTF???? this is so gay. i hate taking a pill to try to regulate my stupid girl stuff. stupid girl the way girls, speaking of girl stuff...don't forget to feel your boobies.
peace out.
Busy weekend ahead. Pages has a special crop this weekend for Breast Cancer. Friday will be late...Saturday will be late...Sunday is purse party day, my one for the month. pretty sad. From purse party in warsaw i get to drive to mishawaka for a DT meeting at the store! doesn't that sound like fun?? All the while my family will be in indy enjoying my sister-in-laws baby shower on Saturday and the always anticipated Tavernier Bowl on Sunday. such a pisser, I hate missing that stuff. And I hate being home by my self. I think i'm going to spend the night with my wonderful girl.
I'm entering my grumpy-pissy-ness. WTF???? this is so gay. i hate taking a pill to try to regulate my stupid girl stuff. stupid girl the way girls, speaking of girl stuff...don't forget to feel your boobies.
peace out.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
chitty chitty chat chat
I thought the house would be super quiet with 2 off to school all day and only one kiddo at home...wrong! Let me tell ya...this kid is a chatty cathy! I love him, but seriously, take 20 questions times 40. I have more conversation with him in 3 hours than I could ever possibly have with an adult in a whole day. Hilarious. By the way...I'm reading Twilight AGAIN. *sigh*
Sunday, September 14, 2008
keep up with the rooster...or become a chicken...
My late night habits are sooo not conducive to my children's lifestyles. I really need to STOP staying up so late because I totally pay for it alllll the next day and I feel like a total loser mom and wife when all I want to do is stare at the back of my eyelids while they are all up and at em. I seriously have the best husband for not bitching at me about being such a night owl.
I'm in a bit of a funk...I always am after my mom leaves. But this time it's double because my sister was here to. She totally surprised me Saturday morning by coming down. Little sneaker...thinkin she can pull one over one was soo great and the kids were so excited to see her. I think she was glad to be here, even though mom and I drug her to Pages to scrap all night, and by all night I mean until 4:30 in the flippin AM! Dude...what am I smokin to think that I can hang with the clock that long??? well...I did get all my class stuff done. And I had a great time scrapping with my girls...always good times! Can't wait to get my scrap on at Janelle's in THREE weeks! Yeah man!
okie dokie, I need to sleep! here's the layouts I was going to post the other night, enjoy!
Emma and her Jasmine this summer:
some goofy halloween layouts:
Emma at her last day of school picnic:
I'm in a bit of a funk...I always am after my mom leaves. But this time it's double because my sister was here to. She totally surprised me Saturday morning by coming down. Little sneaker...thinkin she can pull one over one was soo great and the kids were so excited to see her. I think she was glad to be here, even though mom and I drug her to Pages to scrap all night, and by all night I mean until 4:30 in the flippin AM! Dude...what am I smokin to think that I can hang with the clock that long??? well...I did get all my class stuff done. And I had a great time scrapping with my girls...always good times! Can't wait to get my scrap on at Janelle's in THREE weeks! Yeah man!
okie dokie, I need to sleep! here's the layouts I was going to post the other night, enjoy!
Emma and her Jasmine this summer:
some goofy halloween layouts:
Emma at her last day of school picnic:
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I miss Edward...
I miss Forks, and Bella, and Edward and Alice...and Jacob too. What do you do when you become so obsessed about a flippin BOOK(S)???? Dream about them all I guess! :)
So little bean man had preschool today. He has a s'mores poptart every morning because he is OBSESSED with them...and I mean OBSESSED! He only had one of the two before I took him to school and on the way there he said "mommy, can I have my udder poptart when I get home"? Me - "Yes Kien, I'll save it for you" So the first thing he does when he gets in the car when I pick him up from preschool is ask where his poptart is and if he can eat it now. OBSESSED!! It sure is quiet around the house with the other 2 kids at school all day. Kien is so good and he plays by himself very well. He has a great imagination and I love just sitting back and watching him pretend...
So I worked tonight...and I am getting a bit pissy that the new stuff from the CHA show has not been rolling in! It's like, crawling in...and a very slow crawl at that! Ugg. So not much to do tonight, but we stayed busy with customers...lovely ones and annoying ones, good thing I love my job!
So when I got home it was my worst &*()&) nightmare come true...dude, I've got the chills right now. I'm gettin my pj's out of the drawer and I layed them on the bed...yeah...your freakin out right now because you know what I'm getting ready to tell you. PEOPLE...there was a HHHUUUGGGEEEE SPIDER on the corner of my bed. Just waiting for me to crawl in so it could drink my O+ blood...and NO...I don't think it was a Cullen in spider drag!!!!! yeeeeeeeikes! I screamed - von jumped out of bed an threw the covers on top of it...i scream "YOUR GONNA COVER IT UP!!!! WERE GONNA LOSE HIM!!!!" he pulls the covers back up and it crawls back to the corner and he says..."GIVE ME SOMETHING"...and I say..."dumbass...your by the closet, grab a SHOE"!!!!! So he did, and he smoooooshed it...and now all it's children are going to come find us and avenge it's death. crap. time to spray. *shudder*
So on that creepy note, I have some more layouts to post...just some that I've done for the DT at Pages. Hope ya like em...I'm gonna have to post them until I can figure out how to put them as a link on the side. I'm such a little virgin blogger!
ok, so this post was suppose to go up last night but my computer wasn't here's last nights post, with no layouts because my computer is being a bitch!
night all!
So little bean man had preschool today. He has a s'mores poptart every morning because he is OBSESSED with them...and I mean OBSESSED! He only had one of the two before I took him to school and on the way there he said "mommy, can I have my udder poptart when I get home"? Me - "Yes Kien, I'll save it for you" So the first thing he does when he gets in the car when I pick him up from preschool is ask where his poptart is and if he can eat it now. OBSESSED!! It sure is quiet around the house with the other 2 kids at school all day. Kien is so good and he plays by himself very well. He has a great imagination and I love just sitting back and watching him pretend...
So I worked tonight...and I am getting a bit pissy that the new stuff from the CHA show has not been rolling in! It's like, crawling in...and a very slow crawl at that! Ugg. So not much to do tonight, but we stayed busy with customers...lovely ones and annoying ones, good thing I love my job!
So when I got home it was my worst &*()&) nightmare come true...dude, I've got the chills right now. I'm gettin my pj's out of the drawer and I layed them on the bed...yeah...your freakin out right now because you know what I'm getting ready to tell you. PEOPLE...there was a HHHUUUGGGEEEE SPIDER on the corner of my bed. Just waiting for me to crawl in so it could drink my O+ blood...and NO...I don't think it was a Cullen in spider drag!!!!! yeeeeeeeikes! I screamed - von jumped out of bed an threw the covers on top of it...i scream "YOUR GONNA COVER IT UP!!!! WERE GONNA LOSE HIM!!!!" he pulls the covers back up and it crawls back to the corner and he says..."GIVE ME SOMETHING"...and I say..."dumbass...your by the closet, grab a SHOE"!!!!! So he did, and he smoooooshed it...and now all it's children are going to come find us and avenge it's death. crap. time to spray. *shudder*
So on that creepy note, I have some more layouts to post...just some that I've done for the DT at Pages. Hope ya like em...I'm gonna have to post them until I can figure out how to put them as a link on the side. I'm such a little virgin blogger!
ok, so this post was suppose to go up last night but my computer wasn't here's last nights post, with no layouts because my computer is being a bitch!
night all!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I am the shizzle
DUDE!!! I got a TWILIGHT widget ON my one helped me, no one was there for me to tell me what to "dude ya gotta"..."and then ya gotta". I figured it all byes my self...I am the SHIZZLE baby!
Blog Inspired I'm really gonna do this. I figured out how to size my header so I'm pretty stoked. And I'm pretty inspired to get this damn thing going because there are some things I want to do...and I need to get out in the blog world to do them!
So the kids have started school...yikes the summer went fast. Emma is in 2nd grade this year and is pretty used to the routine...although she likes to be a drama queen and fight me on EVERYthing. Ethan started Kindergarten this year...ALL DAY! shew, wasn't ready for that one. Dude...he is carrying a lunch tray ALL BY HIMSELF...and I don't think he's dropped it yet. He's exhausted when he gets home, but he loves it. Kien is still doing the preschool thing. He's a bit lost without his big brother...they are buds. He's doing great and I love the preschool program and the teachers. So that's life here in the education world...let's see, what else...
My friend Jeri has a new blog up for her photography...she's good people. She is just getting started and I'm so excited for her...go check out her blog!!
Mama mia is coming to town on THURSDAY!! Weeee! (not the actual mom) I'm having a move over martha food party and she's comin for it! I think we are going to scrap Sat. night, can't wait. that's it for now...maybe I'll be back soon!!
So the kids have started school...yikes the summer went fast. Emma is in 2nd grade this year and is pretty used to the routine...although she likes to be a drama queen and fight me on EVERYthing. Ethan started Kindergarten this year...ALL DAY! shew, wasn't ready for that one. Dude...he is carrying a lunch tray ALL BY HIMSELF...and I don't think he's dropped it yet. He's exhausted when he gets home, but he loves it. Kien is still doing the preschool thing. He's a bit lost without his big brother...they are buds. He's doing great and I love the preschool program and the teachers. So that's life here in the education world...let's see, what else...
My friend Jeri has a new blog up for her photography...she's good people. She is just getting started and I'm so excited for her...go check out her blog!!
Mama mia is coming to town on THURSDAY!! Weeee! (not the actual mom) I'm having a move over martha food party and she's comin for it! I think we are going to scrap Sat. night, can't wait. that's it for now...maybe I'll be back soon!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Here I go...
So...I'm back from Missouri and my Zag Bag trip with my Aunt. Super fun times!! I am totally inspired to get my blog going so I can update people with Zag Bag info and also stay up to date with family and friends. So here goes...let's see how long this takes me to get rollin'!!
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